05 août 2022

Sommes-nous tous des épidémiologistes en herbe ?

People’s perceptions of their intelligence correlate only moderately with objective intelligence measures. On average, people overestimate themselves. According to the popular Dunning-Kruger effect, this is particularly true for low performers: across many domains, those in the lowest quartile overestimate their abilities the most. However, recent work using improved statistical approaches found little support for a Dunning-Kruger effect in general intelligence. We investigated accuracy and Dunning-Kruger effects for self-estimates of general, verbal, numerical, and spatial intelligence-domains that differed in how well they can be judged in the past. A total of 281 participants completed self-estimates and intelligence measures online. Self-estimates showed mostly moderate correlational accuracy that was slightly higher for numerical intelligence and lower for verbal intelligence. Across domains, participants rated their intelligence as above average. However, as their intelligence was indeed high, this was not an overestimation. While standard analyses indicated Dunning-Kruger effects in general, verbal, and spatial intelligence, improved statistical methods only yielded some support for one in verbal intelligence: people with lower verbal intelligence tended to have less self-knowledge about it. The generalizability of these findings is limited to young, highly educated populations. Nevertheless, our results contribute to a growing literature questioning the generality of the Dunning-Kruger effect.

Commentaire du Dr Marius Laurent (PAQS)

  • La pandémie a remis l’effet Dunning-Kruger à la mode : le monde s’est peuplé de millions d’épidémiologues et de virologues en herbe, qui avaient chacun leur opinion bien arrêtée sur un sujet dont ils ignoraient tout quelques semaines plus tôt. La confiance en soi de certains, l’outrecuidance pseudo-scientifique d’autres, semblaient illustrer cet « effet » qui veut que la confiance que nous plaçons dans nos convictions soit inversement proportionnelle à notre niveau de compétence. La présente étude émet de sérieuses nuances à ce qui est peut-être surtout un artéfact statistique, mais j’aime beaucoup continuer à croire à cet effet, ce qui me permet d’en rire.

Hofer G, Mraulak V, Grinschgl S, Neubauer AC. Less-Intelligent and Unaware? Accuracy and Dunning-Kruger effects for self-estimates of different aspects of intelligence. J Intell 2022;10(1). Doi : 10.1136/bmj-2021-064389.